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Research Summary
Philosophy of language (especially questions of language acquisition and language evolution); philosophy of mind; early modern philosophy, (especially the work of Rene Descartes); critical thinking; political philosophy (especially questions relating to freedom of speech and freedom of expression); philosophy of motivation, and environmental philosophy.
Courses & Teaching
PHIL 460, PHIL 111, PHIL 331
Dr. Christina Behme received her M.A. and Ph.D. in Philosophy from Dalhousie University. Her dissertation (Cartesian Linguistics: From Historical Antecedents to Computational Modeling) traces Cartesian influences from the 17th century to epistemological and metaphysical debates in contemporary linguistics and critically evaluates the work of Noam Chomsky. She also holds a science degree in Marine Biology from the University of Rostock in Germany.
PhD Philosophy (Dalhousie, 2011)
MSci Marine Biology (University Rostock, 1986)